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第一章 闲聊用语Chat
1.NG in my book.我不这么认为。
2.I heard though the grape vine that…我从小道消息听说……
4.Lovely weather for ducks.
5.Isn’t it a lovely day?/A beautlful/nice day,isn’t it?天气很好,不是吗?
6.I’m not kidding./No kidding!不是在开玩笑。/我是认真的!/真的啊?
7.Don’t hold your breath.期望值不要太高。
8.You wish!/Don’t you wish!你想得倒好1
9 Have you heard?/Did you hear?你听说过吗?
10.Don’t even think about(doing something).压根就别想(做某事)。
11.to make/cut a long story short/in Short.长话短说。
12.You can say that again./I’ll say.没错(用来表示完全同意前面说过的话)。/我确实认为如此。
13.(I’m)(just)thinking aloud.(我只是在)自言自语o
14.That serves you right./You asked for it l你自作自受!/你活该!
15.That’s the ticket!恰好的事情正是所需要的东西o
16.That’s that!就是这样!/再没什么可说的了。/让它去吧。
17.Say no more.不用再往下说了。/知道了。
19.Lord knows I,ve tried.天知道我已经多努力地尝试过。
20.You don’t know the half of it.你还不知道更糟糕的呢!
21.Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone.不要把这件事告诉任何人。
22.You haven’t seen anything yet.好戏还在后头呢!
23.Not on your life!想都别想1
24.I didn’t(quite)hear you./I didn’t get that.我没有听见你说的话。
25.I feel the same way./I know(just)what you mean.我有同感。
26.There you are.我就说嘛!/事情就是这样啦!/那是当然!
27.(So)what else is new?这有什么新鲜的?
28.You are telling me!这不用你说!/我早就知道了!
第二章 生活用语Life
29.Be dead to the world./Sleep like a log.睡得很香。
30.sleep in晚一点儿起床
31.certified property物业
32.So what?那又怎样?
35.What’s on…?有什么片子?
36.I wasn’t born yesterday.我又不是三岁小孩。
37.Wake/Get up 起床了!
38.Supper/BreakfaSl is ready./Breakfast/Dinner time!吃晚/早饭了!
39.It’s time for bed.该睡觉了。
40.stay up熬夜
42.That was a close call.太危险了;千钧一发。
43.What/How about you?你呢?
44.Easier said than done.说时容易做时难。
45.What’s the matter(With you)?/What happened?(你)出什么事了。
46.You did me a big favor./I owe you one.我欠你一份人情;你帮了我大忙。
47.Come on!快来吧!/得了吧!
48.deposit some money存钱
49.withdraw some money取钱
50.report a stolen/lost card挂失
51.change money兑换货币或换零钱
52.open an account开账户
53.I want to send the package/parcel(t0)…我想寄个包裹(到)……
54.send a letter寄信
55.I’m feeling rather out of sons./I’m not feeling well.我感觉身体不舒服!
58.having an injection打针
59.…will do you harm./…harmful for your health对身体有害。
…will do you good./…helpful for your health对健康有益。
60.secrets of longevity长寿秘诀
61.quit smoking戒烟
第三章 电话交流Telephone
62.I'd like to speak to…./May l speak to…?我想找……
63.Could/Can/May I take a message?/Would you care to leave a message?要不要留个话?
64.Sorry to have kept you waiting.抱歉让你久等。
65.0ne moment./Just a moment./Just a minute./Hold on,please.请稍候。
66.Who is speaking/calling/this,please?请问你是哪一位?
67.I'll call back later./I’ll try…again.我会再打来。
68.I,m sorry.he/she is out/not in now.对不起,他现在出去了。
69.He is on another line.他现在在接另一个电话。
70.When he comes back.¨I tell him he had a call.他回来时我会告诉他有电话o
71.What can l do for you?有什么事吗?
72.This is…(speaking).我是……
73.I’m afraid you have the wrong man/woman.恐怕你找错人了o
74.I,m sorry.but you have the wrong number.对不起,但你打错电话了。
75.This is he/she./Speaking./It’s…我就是……
76.You’re iust the person 1 wanted to see.我就是要找你o
77.Any calls for me?/Did anyone call?有没有我的电话?
78.I recognized your voice right away.我一听就是你o
79.I’m so glad l got hold of you at last.真高兴终于和你联系了。
80.When will she/he be back?/When is she/he coming back?她/他什么时候能回来?
81.Could/May I call on vOu at your hotel?我可以到你的旅馆拜访你吗?
82.I’d like to reserve a table/room.我想预订一张桌位/一个房间o
83.I’d like to canceVconfirm my reservation.我想取消/确定预约。
84.The lines seem to be crossed./We must havegotten our lines crossed.好像有外线干扰。/我们的线路一定和别人串线了。
85.I can’t hear you well./We really have a badconnection./The connection was bad.我听不太清楚。
86.We were disconnected./I’ve iust been disconnected.掉线了。
87.Hold my calls.我不接任何电话。/所有电话都别转过来。
88.Your(party’s)line is busy/engaged.(对方)电话占线。
89.Sorry to disturb/call you so late.抱歉,这么晚了还打扰你(们)。
90.Can l get backto you later?我等会儿再打给你好吗?
91.Speak after the tone./Please leave your message after the tone.请在信号声后留言。
第四章 出行用语Travel
92.This is the rush hour.现在是高峰期。
93.traffic jams塞车
94.What a crowd!/So crowded!太挤了1
95.…has higher accident rate.……是事故多发区。
96.(Oh,)Here comes the bus!看,车来了1
97.take shortcuts抄近路
98.…comes directly(to)…./goes straight(to)……直通到……
99.give(someone)a lift给(某)人搭便车。(someone)have a Iift/want a ride(某人)搭便车
100.out of the/someone’s way不顺路
101.take sb.for a spin/go cruising开车带某人兜风
102.stop off顺道而在(某处)停一下
103.Can I get some directions?/Could you show/tell me the way?/Can you tell me how to get to…?能问一下(去……的)路吗?
104.Is it far from here?离这儿远吗?
105.Did I pass…?我过了……吗?
106.You can’t miss it.你不会找不着的。
107.Make a righVleft at the lighVsignal.在红绿灯右转/左转。
108.Pick it up./Step on it.请开快点。
109.Buckle up!请系上安全带1
110.I have a flat tire.我的轮胎没气了o
111.run out of gas汽车没油了
112.My car’s engine died/My car broke down on the freeway.我的车死火了/我的车在高速公路上抛锚了o
113.one.way ticket=single fare单程票
round—trip=return ticket往返票
114.This is your stop.你到站了。
You have missed your stop.你过站了。
115.Is this the right bus for…?/Will the bus take
me to…?/Can l get to…on this bus?/This
the bus goes past...这辆车能到……(吗?)
116.Sure/OK,rIl remind you.放心,我会提醒您的。
117.What’s the fare?/How much is the fare?车费是多少?
118.Have a good/nice trip!旅途愉快1
119.Have a safe journey/trip!一路平安!
第五章 工作用语Work
120.Good for you!/Way to go!真棒1
121.Can/Could you handle it?你能处理得了吗?
122.Do I have to spell it out(for you)?/Do I have to paint(you)且picture?我说得还不够清楚吗?
123.Excuse me…?对不起……(可用在请同事帮忙时)
124.川get right on it.我现在就办o
125.1 beg your pardon?/Excuse me?/Pardon me?抱歉,请再说一遍好吗?
126.Let’s get down to the business./Let’s get to the point.让我们谈正事吧;让我们言归正传o
127.I'll be right with you./I’ll be right there.我马上就到;我马上过来。
128.Can/Could l see you in my office?能到我办公室来一趟吗?
129.(Do you)know what I’m saying? 听懂我的话了吗?
130.Give me another chance./Give me a break!/Gimme a break!给我一次机会吧!
131.Give me a rest!让我休息一下!
132.The company is laying off people.公司正在裁员。
133.Could you cover for me?你可以帮我代班吗?
134.How’s that assignment coming along?交代你的事情做得怎样了?
135.1 need a raise.我需要加薪。
136.Could you spare me a few minutes?可以占用您用几分钟时间吗?
137.Put it in my hands.交给我办吧;放心吧。
138.You’ve/I’ve been burning the candle at both ends你/我最近有点儿体力透支了。
139.Business is business.公事公办。
140.(to)work ovetime加班
141.What’s on tap for today?今天有什么事情要做7 .
142.What’s on the agenda for today?今天的日程怎么安排的?
143.You can’t fight citv hall.想与政府抗争,你是很难胜利的。(胳膊拧不过大腿。)
144.play second fiddle当二把手;当副手
145.take some days off/askfor a leave请假
146.Take it easy.放松一点。
147.Go for it!去努力争取吧!
148.Keep(on)trying./Dolt quit trying.
149.Something。S got to give.
150.Does it work for you?您方便吗?
151.(Do you)get the picture?/(Do you)
get the message?明白我的意思了吗?
第六章 娱乐活动Entertainment
152.Did you have fun?/Did you enjoy yourself?玩得开心吗?
153....brought the house down.……博得满堂彩。
154.…is really hogging the mic!……真是个超级麦霸。
155.Jusl try,don’t be shy!别害羞,试试吧!
156....is/are very good/bad/exciting/interesting……很好/糟糕/激动人心/有趣儿。
157.What do you think of the fi¨?你觉得这部电影怎么样?
158.Wasn’t that a great play/flick?演出/片子是不是很棒?
159....is a movie/computer...buff.……是个影/电脑……迷。
160.That kind of gets on my nerves.那令我有点儿心理压力。/那有点儿让我心里发毛。/那让我不大习惯
161.change the channel转换频道
162.I’m nuts about…我对……很着迷。
163.What time is the performance?演出几点开始?
164.…will soon begin.……马上就要开始了。
165.Internet Broadcast网络广播
166.music on Internet网上音乐
167.chat on Internet网上聊天
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