当前位置:首页>其它图书>英语> 别笑!我是疯狂英语会话书(随书附赠日常口语MP3光盘)(随书附赠日常口语MP3光盘) |
图书介绍 |
·出版社:中国传媒大学出版社 ·页码:276 页码 ·出版日:2008年 ·ISBN:9787811272994 ·条码:9787811272994 ·版次:1版 ·装帧:平装 ·开本:24 ·中文:中文 ·外文书名:Don’t Laugh!I’m a Crazy English Book on Conversation ·附带品描述:随书附赠日常口语MP3光盘 |
Part 1 提高英语会话能力之基本表达 (必须掌握的情景表达) 01 问候与告别 …10 1st 02 道谢 …18 2nd 03 道歉 …23 3rd 04 天气 …28 4th 05 允许与同意 …33 5th 06 劝说与提议 …38 6th 07 忠告与建议 …44 7th 08 请求与拜托 …49 8th 09 否定与拒绝 …54 9th 10 感叹 …58 10th 11 电话用语 …65 11th 12 问路 …71 12th 13 购物 …76 13th
Part 2 提高英语会话能力之魔法动词 (必须掌握的动词表达) 01 魔法动词have …84 14th 02 魔法动词get …90 15th 03 魔法动词take …96 16th 04 魔法动词make …100 17th 05 魔法动词go …105 18th 06 魔法动词come …110 19th 07 魔法动词keep …115 20th 08 魔法动词leave …119 21st 09 魔法动词do …124 22nd 10 魔法动词see …129 23rd 11 魔法动词put …134 24th 12 其它魔法动词 …139 25th
Part 3 提高英语会话能力之习惯用语 (必须掌握的习惯用语) 01 here习惯用语 …150 26th 02 there 习惯用语 …154 27th 03 that 习惯用语 …159 28th 04 that’s 习惯用语 …163 29th 05 what 习惯用语 …169 30th 06 what’s 习惯用语 …174 31st 07 how 习惯用语 …178 32nd 08 don’t 习惯用语 …182 33rd 09 sure 习惯用语 …188 34th 10 疑问句习惯用语 …192 35th 11 祈使句习惯用语 …196 36th 12 其它常见的习惯用语 …199 37th
Part 4 令英语会话能力提高10倍之常用表达 (必须掌握的关键句型) 01 I am ~.(我是~。/我叫~。)…204 38th 02 I have ~.(我有~。)…207 39th 03 This is ~.(这位是~。/这是~。)…208 40th 04 It’s about time to ~.(到了该~的时间了。)…209 41st 05 It’s too ~.(太~了。)…210 42nd 06 It’s a pleasure to ~.(很高兴~。)…211 43rd 07 It’s a wonder ~.(~真令人感到吃惊。)…212 44th 08 No wonder ~.(~不奇怪 。/ 难怪~。)…213 45th 09 I have something to ~.(我有~。)…213 46th 10 All you have to do is ~.(你~就行了。)…215 47th 11 I’ll surely ~.(我一定会~。)…215 48th 12 I’m supposed to do ~.(我想~。)…216 49th 13 That’s the best way to ~.(这是~的最好办法。)…218 50th 14 I’m looking forward to ~.(我期待着~。)…218 51st 15~is just around the corner.(~不远了。)…220 52nd 16 That looks ~.(好像~。)…220 53rd 17 I can almost say ~.(我甚至可以说~。)…222 54th 18 I understand how ~.(我知道~是怎样的。)…222 55th 19 I’m thinking of V-ing ~.(我在想~。)…223 56th 20 I’m up for ~ anytime. (不管什么时候我都喜欢~。)…224 57th 21 No one ~.(Ë也不~。) …224 58th 22 I can hardly ~. (我几乎不能~。)…225 59th 23 It’s impossible for to ~.(对…来说,~是不可能的。)…226 60th 24 I don’t feel like V-ing ~.(我不太想~。)…227 61st 25 You don’t have to ~.(你不用~。)…227 62nd 26 I don’t have enough time to ~.(我没有那么多时间来~。)…228 63rd 27 Would you like to ~?(你要~吗?)…229 64th 28 Would you mind V-ing ~?(你介意~吗?)…230 65th 29 How soon will ~ ?(还有多长时间~?)…230 66th 30 Won’t you ~?(你不想~吗?)…231 67th 31 What do you think about ~?(关于~你有什么想法?)…231 68th 32 What do you say to V-ing ~?(你觉得~怎么样?)…233 69th 33 Tell me more about ~. (再谈谈~吧。)…234 70th 34 Don’t tell me ~. (不会是~吧。)…234 71st 35 Try and see if you can ~.(你试试看能不能~。)…235 72nd 36 Let me ~.(让我~, 行吗?/ 让我~吧。)…236 73rd 37 Let me know if ~.(如果~的话就告诉我。)…237 74th 38 Be careful not to ~.(小心不要~。)…239 75th 39 I’ve always wanted to ~.(我一直想~。)…240 76th 40 It’s been so long since I’ve ~.(我已经很久没有~了。)…240 77th 41~ have(has) been V-ing. (一直~。)…241 78th 42 Have you ever p. p. ~?(你曾经~过吗?)…242 79th 43 That’s because ~.(那是因为~。)…243 80th 44 Even though ~.(即使~。)…243 81st 45 Every time ~.(每当~的时候,一~就~。)…245 82nd 46 When it comes to ~.(每当~的时候,每次~时。)…245 83rd 47~, though. (但是~。)…246 84th 48~, I tell you. (~,我告诉过你了。)…247 85th 49 Suppose ~.(假如~的话。)…247 86th 50 If I were you, I’d ~.(如果我是你的话,我会~。)…248 87th 51 I wonder if I can ~.(我不知道能不能~。)…249 88th 52 I would like you to ~.(我想让你~。)…251 89th 53 I’d rather ~.(我还是~吧,我宁愿~。)…251 90th 54 I’d rather ¡ than ~.(与其~不如…。/我宁可…也不~。)…253 91st 55 It might be a good idea to ~.(~也许是个好主意。)…253 92nd 56 I am sure ~.(我肯定~。)…254 93rd 57 Be sure to ~.(一定要~。)…255 94th 58 Do you mind if I ~?(你介意我~吗?)…256 95th 59 If you don’t mind, ~. (如果你不介意的话,~。)…257 96th 60 Do you mean ~?(你是~意思吗?)…258 97th 61 I didn’t mean to ~.(我并不想~。)…259 98th 62 That’s what I meant to ~.(那正是我想~。)…260 99th
特别附录 美式英语发音要领 …261 100th |
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