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Chapter 1常见问题妙答Common Questions and Answers
Unit 1见面寒暄Greetings
Unit 2姓名和年龄Name and Age
Unit 3地址和籍贯Address and Native Place
Unit 4家庭状况Status of the Family
Unit 5毕业院校和专业Educational Background and Major
Unit 6科目及成绩Subjects and Scores
Unit 7外语水平Language Skills
Unit 8在校表现Conduct in School
Unit 9工作经验Work Experience
Unit 10业余工作Part?time Jobs
Unit 11工作业绩Achievements in Work
Unit 12技能及资格Skills and Technical Qualification
Unit 13人品与性格Personality and Character
Unit 14兴趣与爱好Interests and Hobbies
Unit 15工作要求Requirement of the Position
Unit 16工作目标Working Target
Unit 17离职原因Reasons for Leaving the Previous Position
Unit 18求职原因Reasons for Application
Unit 19薪资待遇About the Salary
Unit 20假期与福利Vacation and Benefit
Unit 21谢绝职务Refusing the Post
Unit 22应聘成功Being Hired
Unit 23面试结束At the End of the Interview
Unit 24询问结果Inquiring the Result
Chapter 2直击面试现场Situational Conversations
Unit 1秘书文职人员In the Field of Secretarial Works
Unit 2经营管理人员In the Field of Management
Unit 3宾馆餐饮服务人员In the Field of and Restaurant
Unit 4导游In the Field of Touring
Unit 5媒体从业者In the Field of Media
Unit 6医护人员In the Field of Hospital
Unit 7运输服务人员In the Field of Transportation
Unit 8工程技术人员In the Field of Engineering and Technology
Unit 9金融财会人员In the Field of Banking and Accounting
Unit 10营销企划人员In the Field of Marketing
Unit 11外贸业务人员In the Field of Foreign Trade
Unit 12信息技术人员In the Field of IT
Unit 13教育培训人员In the Field of Education and Training
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